Allergy Testing

Allergy Tests and Treatment

Serving the Coachella Valley Since 1981

Serving the Coachella Valley Since 1981

Comprehensive Allergy Testing & Treatment

Allergies affect more than 50 million people in America and are a huge problem for many people in the Coachella Valley, especially with our desert climate and unique challenges of high pollen counts and seasonal lawn and golf course overseeding.

It’s not just sneezing and congestion. From itching, watery eyes, sneezing,
scratchy throat, dry cough, post nasal drip, sinus congestion, headaches and overall fatigue, allergies affect people in many ways. Sometimes fatigue can present without any other symptoms. Tablets and nose sprays might provide some allergy relief, but that is simply treating the symptoms and not the direct source of your discomfort.

At Michael R. Gatto, MD & Associates, we can help you find the root cause of your allergy problems so you can enjoy life without aggravating symptoms. We offer comprehensive allergy testing and treatment including traditional immunotherapy with allergy shots and sublingual (under the tongue) allergy drops to desensitize you to the offending allergens.

For long-term, best results, allergy immunotherapy treatment whether through shots or allergy drops provides long-lasting relief by confronting the cause of your allergic disorder.

We also offer skin patch testing to help diagnose the cause of skin allergies known as contact dermatitis so you can make changes to remove the chemical, product or item and stop the irritation.

Common Allergens Include

  • Pollens such as weeds, grass, flowers and trees
  • Food
  • Mold
  • Animal dander
  • Chemicals
  • Environmental pollutants
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